Calgary Population 2025 ❤️

Calgary is a city in the western Canadian province of Alberta. Calgary is Canada’s 4th most populated city after Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver with an estimated population of over 1.3 million people. Calgary is Alberta’s economic, financial, political and cultural center, and the province’s largest city. Calgary is Canada’s largest energy center and the second largest energy center in North America.

Based on our research, Calgary population will reach 1,538,415 (around 1.5 million) by end of 2025.The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 2.45% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate. The estimation will adjust once Statistic Canada publishes census data.

Population Growth of Calgary

Looking back last 13 years of Calgary’s population, the growth rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 2.03% to 2.88%, adding around 25,100 to 37,800 people each year to the overall population. Lot of workers was moving to Calgary to take advantage of employment opportunities there, which contributes to the population growth. Between census year of 2011 and 2016, Calgary population had increased by 142,387 people.

Year Population Growth Rate
2011 1,096,833 n/a
2012 1,124,600 2.53%
2013 1,152,200 2.45%
2014 1,180,100 2.42%
2015 1,208,500 2.41%
2016 1,239,220 2.54%
2017 1,264,320 2.03%
2018 1,299,470 2.78%
2019 1,335,145 2.88%
2020 1,362,381 2.04%
2021 1,392,980 2.25%
2022 1,430,780 2.71%
2023 1,466,850 2.52%
2024 1,501,680 2.37%


Demographics of Calgary

According to Canada census, Calgary is an extremely diverse city, with a huge number of ethnic and cultural groups living there. In 2016, the six most commonly ethnic origins overall were South Asian(9.5%),Chinese(8.3%),Black(4.6%), Filipino(5.9%),Latin American(2.7%) and Arab(2.1%).

The religious makeup of Calgary is: Christian(54.9%),No religion(32.3%),Muslim(5.2%),Sikh(2.6%),Buddhist(2.1%),Hindu(1.6%),Jewish(0.6%), Other(0.7%).

From age prospective, according to the 2011 Statistics Canada Census, persons aged 14 years and under made up 17.9% of the population, and those aged 65 and older made up 9.95%. The median age was 36.4 years. In 2011, the city’s gender population was 49.9% male and 50.1% female.

Population Density of Calgary

Calgary’s population density is 1,501 people per kilo square meter.


Facts About Calgary

  1. The world’s largest oil firms have offices in Calgary (PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, Chevron, BP, ExxonMobil, etc.), and several Major petroleum corporations are based here.
  2. The Calgary census metropolitan area (CMA) is the fourth-largest CMA in Canada and largest in Alberta.
  3. Each year, the city receives more than 2500 hours of sunshine. Calgary reportedly is Canada’s sunniest city to live.
  4. Another fascinating thing about Calgary is how multicultural it is. When you believe Canadians just understand English or French, maybe you’re mistaken! More than 100 languages are spoken in this area. About 25 per cent are foreign-born Calgarians.
  5. One thing that stands out over Calgary is the average age it is. Interestingly, the average age there is just 37 years. The city is occupied by youngsters.
  6. The area of Calgary is: Land 56 km2, Urban          586.08 km2 and  Metro 5,110.21 km2.
  7. Another important fact about the history of Calgary, Calgary hosted the first Winter Olympics on Canadian soil in 1988.
  8. The city is situated in the south of the province, at the confluence of the Bow River and the Elbow River.


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