Winnipeg is the capital city of province Manitoba in Canada. It is the largest city by population in Manitoba with population over 754,000. It ranks number 7 in the biggest city list in Canada. More than half of Manitoba’s population lives in this city. The city is named after the nearby Lake Winnipeg, which means “muddy water.”
Based on our research, Winnipeg population will reach 787,854 by end of 2025.The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.16% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate. The estimation will adjust once Statistic Canada publishes census data.
Population Growth of Winnipeg
Looking back last 13 years of Winnipeg’s population, the growth rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 1.03% to 1.25%, adding around 7,781 to 8,848 people each year to the overall population. Lot of workers was moving to Winnipeg to take advantage of safe and friendly neighbourhood there, which contributes to the population growth. Between census year of 2011 and 2016, Winnipeg population had increased by 41,900 people or 6.3% in percentage wise which is average growth rate compared with other cities in Canada.
Year | Population | Growth Rate |
2011 | 670,025 | n/a |
2012 | 678,405 | 1.25% |
2013 | 686,675 | 1.22% |
2014 | 695,035 | 1.22% |
2015 | 703,445 | 1.21% |
2016 | 711,925 | 1.21% |
2017 | 720,423 | 1.19% |
2018 | 728,969 | 1.19% |
2019 | 737,368 | 1.18% |
2020 | 746,216 | 1.20% |
2021 | 754,689 | 1.14% |
2022 | 762,470 | 1.03% |
2023 | 770,570 | 1.06% |
2024 | 778,790 | 1.07% |
Demographics of Winnipeg
According to Canada census, Winnipeg is an extremely diverse city, with a huge number of ethnic and cultural groups living there. In 2016, the most commonly ethnic origins are: European(64%),Aboriginal(12.5%), Filipino(10.6%),South Asian(5.4%),Black(3.9%),Chinese(2.8%),Southeast Asian(1.1%),Latin American(1%). It is interesting to see European makes up more than 50% of the ethnic group.
In terms of language, 10% of the population can speak both languages as of 2016. Many people living in Winnipeg can speak both English and French. 99% of the population can speak fluent English. More than a hundred languages are spoken in Winnipeg. Other spoken languages include Tagalog (5.0%), German (2.5%), Punjabi and Ukrainian (both 1.4%), Ojibwe (0.3%) and Cree (0.2%).
The religious makeup of Winnipeg is 63.7% Christian, including 29.7% Catholic, 8.1% United Church, and 4.6% Anglican; 1.7% Muslim; 1.6% Jewish; 1.5% Sikh; 1.0% Hindu; 1.0% Buddhist; 0.3% traditional (aboriginal) spirituality; 0.4% other; and 28.9% no religious affiliation.
From age prospective, according to the Statistics Canada Census, 48.3 percent of residents were male and 51.7 percent were female. 24.3 percent were 19 years old or younger, 27.4 percent were between 20 and 30 years old, and 34.0 percent were between 40 and 64 years old. The average age of a Winnipegger was 38.7.
Population Density of Winnipeg
Victoria’s population density is 4,406 people per kilo square meter, which is considered high density as a large city in Canada.
Facts About Winnipeg
- Winnipeg is a geographical part of Western Canada. It is a major city of transport, economy, manufacturing , agriculture and education. It’s also an important transport centre for Western Canada, only 96 km from the U.S. border.
- The coldest temperature ever recorded in Winnipeg was -47.8°C (-54°F) in December 1879.
- Winnipeg was named Windy City, but that’s wrong. It’s the 12th windiest town in Canada. Hamilton is the first.
- The Canadian Museum of Human Rights, which opened in 2014, is the first national museum located outside of the National Capital Region.
- Winnie-the-Pooh is Named After Winnipeg.
- The city has the highest percentage of Filipino residents (8.7%) in any big Canadian city, but Toronto has more Filipinos by the total population.
- The Winnipeg Union Station was built in the early 1900’s and was declared a National Historic Site in 1976.
- Winnipeg was the first city to have a central emergency telephone number in 1959. And though it was 999 back then, it finally changed to 911.
The following links provide data for this topic:
- City of Winnipeg:
- Statistics Canada:
- Government of Manitoba: